In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

I'm Done Dieting

"Ughh!" and eyerolls are so annoying. I am tired of people talking down to people because they don't like their healthy food choices. Don't be mad at me because I don't want to eat a whole package of triple stuffed oreos.
"Well, I don't want to diet my whole life"
Oh shut up. nothing about me has changed. I'm still Laura, But I am choosing to eat healthy.
"I want to eat real food"
Uhmm, nothing gets more real than this.
"Diets are stupid, they don't last, you'll yoyo"
I am not dieting, I am eating healthy foods, you are probably right that I would gain weight if I stopped eating real food and I start binge-ing on sugar, and unhealthy fats. So, if that is considered 'yoyoing' then yeah I guess I would. (But I won't be!)
"You don't need to diet"
Ok. I am not dieting. No counting points or calories, no eating tiny portions or taking special supplements. I am just eating what ever healthy foods I want until I am full and satisfied. 
"You can't learn to eat right if you diet, you can't eat that in the 'real world'."
I am not doing anything but eating whole foods, so whats not realistic, balanced, and right about that?
"I need flavor and want to eat things I enjoy"
You wouldn't complain about flavor if you learned how to cook with whole foods, herbs and spices. I love this food, my body loves this food. It is not like I won't ever again eat your beloved sugar and preservatives, because I will. Not everyday, not once a week. In moderation. They made me sick before, when my body was used to them, so now that I have let it heal a bit I can't imagine how it would make my body hurt. 
"Why can't you just be ok with yourself?"
I am very ok with myself. I think it is safe to say any overweight person would like to lose a few pounds so painlessly. I love my body enough to not poison it with artificial ingredients, and chemicals. I'm feeding it food that make me happy. Make it happy. Foods that don't make me sick or have IBS symptoms. I'm eating foods my body can recognize, and foods it knows how to break down, foods that make me strong and healthy. How's that for loving myself? 

Remember when we were told to treat our bodies like a temple? It's a special privilege we only get one of. The temple wouldn't be as special if they only occasionally took care of it. Rarely mowing the grass and not going beyond that. Temple workers take 101%  the best possible care of all temples. We should too. 

Think about your sweet babies. I love mine more than myself, no doubt. I want him to be strong and healthy. Why would I WANT to feed him things that could make him sick, grouchy, uncomfortable or weaken his body? I have been taking away fruit snacks and crackers, and successfully replacing them with nutritional foods. I won't always say 'NO' to everything sugar, he can have things in moderation. Fortunately for me he is not one for ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc. So taking the bad food away was no struggle ( I was the one who ate the most of it anyway!), the hardest part has been introducing nutrition packed foods. I don't plan on taking away his grains or dairy, like I have with myself. But building him up is so important right now. I want health, and choosing what to eat to not be something he has to struggle with or question when he is older.
This is all worth it to me to get my family healthy, BONUS: it's working for me too!
Stop being negative when myself or other people tell you their food choices, especially when they are being so healthy, passionate, and diligent.  

Summer Loving Running  running, half marathon, fitness, exercise, training, nutrition, clean eating, health, active, Summer, quote, inspiration

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