In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Saturday, July 5, 2014


Can I tell you guys something kind of unfortunate? It's actually really embarrassing to talk about this, but kind of exciting too!

I have I.B.S. 

There were/are three reasons I started Whole30
1. shed some pounds (I'm down 13lbs so far!)
2.(& 3.) improve 2 health problems I have been struggling with. (one of them being IBS)
Whole30 is supposed to 'reset' your body, and help correct health issues. I am proud to say it has helped my I.B.S. and hopefully corrected it completely if I stick to my health diet and goals.
If you have ever dealt with IBS, you know how seriously painful it is to your whole body. I am proud to be pain free, and medication free!

"Let your food be your medicine." - so true, learn how to properly fuel and feed your body, and it will return the favor with good health.
Is there a health problem you have to put up with? Can you imagine how good you would feel not having to deal with it anymore, or having to take medication for it? Well, I can tell you how I feel, and it's really good! No more worrying about when my IBS is going to make me sick. I. Feel. Great. I think this alone is worth sticking to Whole30/paleo forever! I've got another 60 years to live so I might as well do it comfortably!

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