In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Thursday, October 30, 2014


 I haven't been a huge fan of Halloween until my son was born, and old enough to participate.
His first Halloween he was only 18 days old, and I dressed him in this tiny little skeleton sleeper that his Auntie gave him. Baby and I were home alone, and I shut all the lights off outside, and inside and sat on my couch in the dark watching desperate housewives, all the while the doorbell kept ringing...Oiyy! A Halloween to remember.
The next year he had just turned one and we dressed him up as a skelton..yet again (Just wait until you hear what he was on his 3rd Halloween..) and went to boo at the zoo, and gave him 0 pieces of candy.
The Halloween after that he had just turned 2 and he was a...wait for it....SKELETON! He was a skeleton! (3 years in a row, I was a little sad when he wanted to break tradition and go as a fireman this year!). We went to Disney that week before and met my mom, dad, and niece, then brought them home with us. We trick-or-treated in our neighborhood on Halloween. Owen loved it!! He opened 3 suckers, had a suck on each one, threw them out, and that was all the candy he had.
I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE MY CHILD DOES NOT LIKE CANDY AND SWEETS!! Occasionally he will have a small sweet,and I am okay with him having a treat. It is okay to indulge sometimes!
I am not a huge Halloween candy fan either, so after husband picks through it we let it sit on top of the fridge...until, next year or so..

This year I decided to pass out something a little different than candy. We are passing out play dough, little spiders, glow sticks, etc!
I was so excited when I saw a mom post online that she was passing out the prepackaged baggies of apple slices. There will always be enough people passing out sugar so it is okay to break tradition and pass out something a little more beneficial.

I was not so excited, and more annoyed when I read a status posted on a yard sale type site where the mom said, and I quote,
"Where are the best places to go trick or treating (best CANDY) my lil man is 6 months old but I want to show him off. don't want to go out too late so it has to be somewhere that i can tell that they are handing out candy. So I want a good neighborhood that would have LOTS of candy to hand out so we don't have to go to several neighborhoods"
PLEASE do not feed your 6 month old candy, I am guessing in this situation it is all for the parents. It's strange how greedy people are for free candy. I am okay with tradition, I am okay with indulging sometimes, I am okay with making memories, and I am okay with you stealing some candy from your kid (really, please do so they don't eat the whole bucket!).
I hope that as we are out scavenging for candy that we are treated with a few healthier, or more fun options, like play dough and glow sticks ;)

Please remember to keep your pets inside so they are not the victim of a prank, please know where your children are all night, keep reflective gear/lights on, and stay in neighborhoods you trust!
I hope everyone eats a little too much pumpkin everything!!
Happy Halloween!




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