In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Mug of Bread

A couple days ago I was really feeling sorry for myself. Gosh, and I was feeling sorry for myself because I wanted to eat something that was non paleo, so therefore I "couldn't" have it. and I really wanted it. What a rough life ;) The day before it just so happens that I made a big ole batch of paleo/W30 clam chowder, and I really thought some bread would be good with it so I made a mug of paleo bread to dip in my soup and it was SO GOOD. and when I say good I don't mean it's the best bread you have ever tried because it won't be. So when you make your little loaf of bread think about how awful it will be so that way when you bite into it, it will taste like a little sliver of heaven! Did I mention that I MADE THIS IN THE MICROWAVE?! Well, I did. Please, please, don't get on your high horse, or get your panties up in a wad over cooking food in the microwave because it causes cancer and kills all the good stuff that's in our food. Just don't. I love my microwave, and I really don't think I am eating a bad diet for using it, nor do I think I have cancer. When I was living with my parents we went microwave free for a long time and only used our oven/stove, and a toaster oven. It was...crazy.
So, about that microwavable paleo mug bread- how cute is that tiny loaf?!

I really want to experiment with this more, add cinnamon or fruit, nuts or honey. But here is my first and only loaf to date. If you try this and add your own touch please share it with me!! You can find the recipe HERE. This would make yummy croutons for salad if you sprinkled some Italian seasoning or garlic on them!

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