In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Eating Organic, Grass-Fed, and Pastured

Guys. One of the biggest worries I have heard from people who are not sure about starting Whole30 is the expense of organic and pastured meats, and veggies.
Yes. Those things can be expensive. Let me let you in on a little secret.. you don't HAVE to eat strictly organic!
Wheewww! What a relief!
Here is the deal, all meat and eggs are so much better for you when they are grass fed, pastured, organic proteins. Large companies such as Tyson's add so many artificial ingredients, and hormones into your meat. I don't know about you but I am not real crazy about growing extra boobs ;)
Also, not all organic veggies are necessarily better than non-organic. Some are. Some aren't, Some just don't matter.
Would it be better for you to eat fully organic, grass-fed, pastured foods. Yeah. Probably.
Would it be better for you to eat a Tyson chicken breast than a box of preservatives. Yeah. definitely.
When it comes to eating there are bad choices, good choices, and better choices. Tyson chicken fits in the good category, while grass fed fits in the better, and frozen pizza fits in the bad. See where I am going with this?
Just because it is NOT in your budget to eat fully organic, is not a reason to not eat Paleo/Whole30.
I always stalk the meat section at my local Walmart's because they carry organic beef, but I don't think people know they do? Because seriously guys, who goes to Walmart for healthy grass fed beef? Well, apparently no one does because they are always clearanced out "Buy this meat today for half price or we will throw it away" okay, no sign REALLY says that but you get it. So I stock up on it when I can. I watch Publix, Earthfare, Walmart, Kroger, etc for sales on organic meats (which is not often..) so I can fill my freezer. If there are no sales, and I need meat, and it fits no where in the budget to buy a cut for twice as much I choose non-organic. I check what options I have price wise and choose what I believe is the best one health wise for the buck.
There you go. Do not let the expense of organic meats and veggies turn you off!
Here is a shopping list that is very helpful when you are trying to make good choices at the store, and with the bank!

SEASONAL LIST LINK organic veggies
 Check out all the other great downloads Whole30 has to offer HERE

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