In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Busy couple weeks!

Gahhh! Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long. I know you have been checking your computers and phones everyday waiting to hear from me. Well, it has been a busy couple of weeks! We had company for a couple weeks, we did some hiking, went to the beach, I cut off all my hair, and I started tending to a little 5 month old baby, baby L, who O and I are so in love with. I thought it would help my baby hunger, but it has only made it worse!
Bad news.. I didn't finish my second whole30, I made it over half way and then since then I have been eating 80-90% paleo and I have been very happy with how little thinking and will power it has taken. Don't get me wrong, I really tried to reason with myself as to why I would need to eat BBQ wings, but I didn't have any so that's a WIN!
 I lost 4 pounds on my second unfinished W30, and I have stayed off the scale for the last couple weeks so hopefully I am pleasantly surprised when I step back on.
I have these awesome pink pants that I have not fit into in a while and they fit again! The waist is WAY to big, and the legs are tight, so I either have a tiny waist or fat legs.. unfortunately I think it's the latter, but hey they are skinny jeans!
I have this really awesome new friend of just a couple weeks, and we are heading on our first vacation together. Yeah guys, it is that serious. We are heading to the beach, just a few hours south. I really want to lose 10 more pounds before I go, so I am buckling down and upping the cardio, and going 100% paleo/W30 at least until we head to ocean.
I have been decluttering my house this last week, and have gotten rid of so much stuff which is huge to me because I love stuff, and I love knickknacks! I got rid of pallets I have been meaning to do stuff with, I dumped all my thousands of coupons because it is impossible to coupon and eat healthy. My house looks neater and my family is happy.
"You know you're crunchy...when you don't bother cutting coupons because all the coupons are for food that isn't real."
 I have lots of recipes I have tried and loved that I will share on here, and I also have jotted down some ideas and ingredients that I think would be freaking amazing together so keep an eye on those recipes and I will share some new ones this weekend!

How is YOUR fitness, and diet going? Are you doing Whole30? How is it going for you? What are you doing to workout? Tell me!! Tell me!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love this! It is so true about the coupons. I use to have all kinds of them but I just smile now and say no when they ask me if I have coupons at Publix when I am checking out with my organic fruits and veggies and grass fed beef.


What are your thoughts? Drop me a line..