In Fine Feather

1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.)
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits.


Monday, June 30, 2014

Why is this even a Blog?

Why is this even a blog you ask? Is this lady so caught up in herself that she needs to draw attention and praise from her getting healthy? Um. yeah. I am.
Actually, the reason I started this blog is because I have yet to find a blog that is what I am looking for. Easy to navigate, information and stories I can relate to (obviously I find all of these stories relate-able, you know?), dumbed down and in depth information on getting fit, healthy, and clean! And I know when I say things like "I'm getting clean" it sounds like I am a druggie with a crazy addiction, and that is partially true! I have this crazy addiction to processed food that I am over coming with a CLEAN diet (see how clever that pun is?;)
Another reason I have decided to start this blog is because I work so much better, and more consistent when I have people keeping tabs on me. I love when people find me to me inspirational, and I love helping people. A lot.
I hope you will find me inspirational, informative, relate-able, or at least semi funny on all these posts!

Saturday, June 28, 2014


What is Whole30?  Whole30 is 30 day program made by the people over at Whole9. In a nutshell (a very small nutshell..) on Whole30 you eliminate certain food groups in hopes to heal your body from any problems you may be having, as well as give you energy and make you feel great overall. It is a very safe, and doable health plan. To learn more click the 'Whole30' tab up in the right hand corner!

How do I remember what is approved? I know, there is a lot to take in the first couples weeks. I still have trouble sometimes. That is why I keep these handy documents printed and safe in my purse. I use them more often than you might think! Click HERE to view the cheat guides

Products I Love

It starts with food. Written by the people who brought us Whole30. You can do W30 with out the book, but the book is so informative, and eye opening! Worth the buy!

Russbe baggies. heavy duty, bpa free, freezer/dishwasher safe reusable ziplock bags.

You will find so many gems in this cookbook. I basically live out of it!

The George Foreman is a must for any healthy diet. Throw in some meat and forget about it for a couple minutes!

This is a paleo cook book, and not all the recipes fit whole30, but many of them do.

Meet the Veggetti. I picked mine up at Walmart (check the produce or 'as seen on T.V.' aisle) for around $10. It is surprisingly made of good quality, and has two choices (thick & thin) for cutting zoodles, coodles, or whatever you are making! Small, and easy to store.

Walmart sells these itty bitty tiny spatulas that are less than an inch across. They are perfect for scraping out small measuring spoons, and that awful blade at the bottom of the blender! I have 4 and use them all daily.

Whole30 Update

 Ok, as I mentioned earlier, I am doing my first ever Whole30 challenge.
The Whole30 challenge is a strict (but not too strict)/Clean/Paleo type diet. Oh, man. I hate the word diet. It makes you sound like you are doing something weird, when really every single person is on a diet. Be it a fast food diet, eat what ever I want diet, Paleo diet, All things in moderation diet, We all have our 'diets'. Anywhoo.. Whole9 are the people behind Whole30, if you do it for 2 months straight its Whole60, if you do it for one year straight its Whole365, etc. You get it, i'm guessing.
Whole30 (as well as eating clean/Paleo) is supposed to clean up a lot of health problems and I have a couple I am excited to say good bye to.
During a Whole30 you do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. You do not consume alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, white potatoes, carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites. Also desserts and snacking are not permitted even if they are healthy, and fall under the Whole30 guidelines.

"No Paleo-ifying baked goods, desserts, or junk foods. Trying to shove your old, unhealthy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold will ruin your program faster than you can say “Paleo Pop-Tarts.” This means no desserts or junk food made with “approved” ingredients—no banana-egg pancakes, almond-flour muffins, flourless brownies, or coconut milk ice cream. Don’t try to replicate junk food during your 30 days! That misses the point of the Whole30 entirely" -Whole9
Keep an eye on your labels! Unapproved ingredients and additives can sneak into things so easily!  

Also you are not supposed to weigh or measure during it all, because it is about getting healthy not skinny and we need to get our dang heads out of the scale! However this is one rule I have kind of broken because I am currently in a summer long diet bet, and I am not about to let $500 get away from me that easy (that is the 1st place pot! Whoop!)

In the first week of my Whole30 I lost 8 pounds. 8 pounds. let that sink in. 8 pounds. I am not weighing everyday, usually I just weigh once a week but weight loss is very motivational to me, so occasionally I will twice. sigh. Before I started my Whole30 I had family visiting for 3 weeks and I ate kind of crappy for at least 2 of those weeks ( and yeah I even gained a pound or two!) so I have no doubt that much of those 8 pounds were pounds of salt and water bulging up inside my body, tricking people into thinking I was fatter than I really was. Nice try water weight. Nice try.
I am super happy with Whole30, you don't count calories you just eat 3 meals a day (I always tried eating 6 to keep my metabolism up (obviously it wasn't working for me;), 3 is so much easier!). Your meals are proteins and veggies, and some healthy fats. Whole30 has been around for years, and so there are some great recipes, and helpful links out there.
I am very excited to start sharing my Whole30 friendly recipes with you all, as well as their origins. I used to look at clean recipes and think "I can't make that, I don't own any of those ingredients much less know where to find them", well that is not the case these days. I have swapped out some unhealthy staples for things like ghee, coconut aminos, La Croix, coconut oil, coconut flour, almond flour, grass fed organic meats, which sounds expensive but I am also queen (ok! not that good!) princess of deals! I got 11 pounds of organic grass fed beef and chicken along with tons of (1.5 week worth) veggies, eggs, and all my other groceries for $40 this week! As we speak read I am currently roasting a whole organic chicken covered in herbs and veggies. It smells divine, and is so family friendly.
I have never used so many herbs, and veggies in my whole life as I have on Whole30, I kind of love it.
Whole30 has already been so rewarding to me, and I am very excited to see where I can run with it!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Before & After

GUYS!!! Here is my before and after from my first Whole30. I lost 18lbs in the 30 days, and loads of inches. (my punk boy hates posing, what a grouch! ;) 

Left was after gaining the weight back from round 1
Right was during weight loss round 2 (Medifast)

The face is already thinning up!
Left: day before staring Whole30
Right: day 12 of Whole30

Starting my Healthy Journey

I am starting my health journey. For the 3rd time. Here's my story..

When I was 18 I met this awesome guy on a blind date, we fell in love soon after, and were married 6 months later. I was not fit, and knew nothing about fitness but I was skinny. I was a small/size 3. I ate and drank really terrible. I'm talking super-sized McDonald's at least once a day, and 60+ ounces of Dr. Pepper (and worse, trust me!). I was going to school for Occupational Science, and worked 2 jobs so I was busy and ate out a lot. Prior to my 'busy' days I used to jog/run a decent amount, and I enjoyed it but it wasn't a priority.

After my husband and I had been married 13 months we got pregnant. I carried him to 37 weeks and gained about 25 pounds. After he was born I lost all my pregnancy weight within a couple weeks, and I was so relieved! I breast fed, and while doing so I had the WORST cravings for chocolate chip cookies, and root beer. I thought since I was nursing I could eat what ever I wanted. Well, that was not the case. I gained all that weight back in just a few short months! WHAT?!
Four months postpartum my friend Teri was on an awesome road to fitness and success and started a health coached diet bet and invited me to join. This is when I was introduced to clean eating, and I loved it! I never cheated on my diet, I was super diligent and lost a huge chunk of my weight during this month long 'diet'. I planned on continuing the clean eating habits but, we were moving 2,000 miles away just a few weeks after and I was really busy packing, and looking for housing, etc. So once again things sort of got placed on the back burner, and I didn't make it a priority. That summer I tried to pick up my healthy habits again but I was not very motivated, and I was kind of sad to be so far away from all my family and loved ones, so I started gaining weight. I gained it all back in just a few months.
Left was after gaining the weight back from round 1
Right was during weight loss round 2 (Medifast)
Nearly a year after I was introduced to clean eating I sought out help for losing this weight again, I tried the Medifast diet for 4 weeks and lost almost all my weight! I was so happy to feel so good again. After I finished that we moved another 1,000 miles further from our original home in Idaho. I was working out every day, I got a membership to a gym, a jogging stroller for my cutie pie, and I tried to keep up some clean and healthy habits. I was making new friends and so often heard things like "don't go to the gym, come hang out", or they would encourage me to cheat on my diet. (DISCLAIMER: No one controls your health. That is up to YOU. Do not let anyone disapprove of your healthy choices just because they don't understand them! and I really do love my friends here, they are great and we are all in the same boat, and on the same page!) and so I slipped up occasionally, then all the time. I lost sights of my health, goals, wins, and habits. I gained all that weight back. and some.
I have tried numerous times to start up a diet, participate in diet bets, and nothing has motivated me enough to put down that dessert! (I am queen of making fatty, sugary, and the most delectable desserts you will ever taste- that's my problem!)
Well, here I am, 23, goals in sight, and motivated. I really believe this time this is it. I know quite a bit about health and fitness. Well, enough to get healthy, and happy anyway.
I do believe there is room for all things in moderation. IN. MODERATION. I also believe there is a time and place for all things. Right now is not the time, nor place for me. I'm sticking hard to the paleo/clean eating/Whole30 (Oh, did I mention I am working on my first ever Whole30?!), and not allowing any cheat meals. When I have reached my place I will switch to a 85/15 diet (or something similar). I stick to things so much better when I am under a scope so I know this blog will help me get to my new place and I am just as excited about getting my family healthy, as I am about myself. They deserve it more than anything.

Our Fine Feathers is Live!

I am so excited to tag people along with my journey. My life has been fab, and it only gets better! I have this conceited thought in my head that I haven't yet reached my physical prime, and I am working on getting there!

Please join me in fine feather!

In Fine Feather 
1. Fig. well dressed; of an excellent appearance. (Alludes to a bird that has clean, bright, and flawless feathers.) Well, you are certainly in fine feather today. I like to be in fine feather when I have to give a speech.
2. Fig. in good form; in good spirits. Laura was really in fine feather tonight. Her concert was great! I feel in fine feather and ready to go!